Home is where your site is. We take the stress out of website hosting.


Creating the perfect website design for your business is one thing. Getting involved with the website hosting thereafter can be quite overwhelming. It can mean speaking to overly technical IT people who may speak a lot of jargon. Many of our clients come to us who are worried they will look uninformed, or that they will be miss-sold to just because they do not have a good grasp of the technologies.

Our team at a fish in sea do not expect you to. Your time is best spent running your business, not looking at bandwidth, name servers and the like. We can assist you with a fully managed website hosting package that means you don’t have to worry about a thing.


Our team understand that you may not have the time to worry about hosting, so we offer a totally managed website hosting solution for you. We want it to be easy. You simply tell us what you require and we set it up. If we need to ask any questions, we can fully explain any implications or reasons in a way that will make sense to you. We don’t want you to feel like you need to reach for an IT dictionary, we want you to understand and will converse in a way that makes sure you do.


A server is basically a computer where your website will live. It can be shared or dedicated. A shared server means your website hosting provider only has a section of that computer that they control. A dedicated server is a whole machine dedicated to one provider.

a fish in sea’s server is a dedicated server. This means we control the entire machine. With a shared server provider, they may not be able to make specific changes as it would affect other owners of the shared server. We are not limited to what we can do to it by other owners…it is ours! We can make whatever changes are required to ensure your website runs smoothly and as it should.


With a shared solution, you have no guarantee what other websites are living on the same server. You could be right next to a pornography website, gambling website or a website that sends out lots of spam communications. Any of these types of websites may harm the reputation or functionality of your own website, just by being located on the same server. We only offer website hosting to our existing clients. This ensures that your website will be hosted in good company and have no impact on your business.


Our managed website hosting package runs with a fair use policy. This means we won’t limit your services in any way. You can use as much bandwidth as you like. As long as your website does not impact any other website that lives on our server, then it can use as much as it needs.

In the event that your website starts to impact other websites held on the server, then we would advise you of this in the first instance. Our website hosting team would then work with you to offer a solution that better fits your website’s growing requirements.

Speak to one of our experienced website hosting team to find out how we can take away the server stress today.


We provide web hosting exclusively for websites that we have built in-house, ensuring they can be deployed quickly within a controlled hosting environment.

Discover how our web team can help. Website Hosting >


Our brochure website designs are powered by a content management system (CMS), empowering you and your team to manage, update, and expand your online content.

Discover how our web designers can help. Brochure Website Design >


Design and develop your website to work appropriately across all viewports. With visitors from business a desktop device, to those browsing on the sofa, or on the go. We build your website with audience accessibility in mind. 

Discover how our web designers can help. Responsive Website Design >

Ready to redefine your brand? Let’s embark on a website design journey that goes beyond expectations, capturing the essence of your brand in every page and pixel. Your website, your story – meticulously crafted by a fish in sea.